Pre-Order at Gamestop?
I do understand the concept of pre-orders especially at gamestop but could you just pre-order it without putting money down towards it? I know you have put something down on it but can you not?
I do understand the concept of pre-orders especially at gamestop but could you just pre-order it without putting money down towards it? I know you have put something down on it but can you not?
Favorite Answer
nope. You have to put in at least ten bucks.
They want to make sure you will pay.
Hayfin Hifer
Quote; "could u pre-order without putting money down" ????no what planet are u from that would make gamestop go bankrupt the whole purpose of them getting you on a reserve list is to pay their rent gosh lady u are that naive to think they have no intention of making a profit?
Jim E
The whole concept of a pre-order game is to reserve your copy on the day the game released. Retail outlets like Best Buy and Game Stop charge money down to ensure that you buy the game from them , figuring that they lock you into the sale with the money down.
You must pay some kind of money to pre order. I think it costs around 5$. at gamestop.
Well first if you pre-order games you can get swag for your game. You only need to put 5$ for things that are 100$ up you have to pay alot more.