Do you think "stones and rocks" have feelings too because they can be..... crushed?


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Yes, that's true. Even people who seem to have a stony countenance can be hurting inside.

(M.-and all-should we wonder if the guy at the Dairy Queen got a 'soft' ice cream after getting his 'nuts crushed', lol...? :)

JORGE N2011-07-28T17:02:00Z

Humans can and do at times extend their feelings to inanimate objects. I used to practice Hatha Yoga so intensely at times that once it did become hard for me to use vehicles due to the feeling I had that even our air is part and portion of our brains in its more extended way. That all matter is part of the brain in some way interconnected to us. Like Carl Sagan asked,"how do we know that the bushes and trees are not dendrites of another order"? But all that gives way to reality that has it that I must manipulate and change all that in order to be able to keep on functioning in reality. That I must fly in a jet that consumes brain matter and spits it out the back as burnt carbon monoxide thus drilling holes right through our brain if I want to travel to another country. Oh Well, so much for the Pandora idea of homogeneity with nature.

vinayak g2011-07-28T17:01:36Z

Stones and rocks have feeling if given shape. But man has less.


Are you asking "Do you think that anything outside of apriori has feelings?" or Is Subject to Time, change of state, cause and effect ect.

They are subject to usual rules, effecting everything outside of singularity. That - in a mathematical context, transposing feeling unto the unfeeling medium of mathematics as you transposed them unto the unfeeling medium of stone, is the only 'unfeeling' thing.

All hat2011-07-28T16:56:13Z

I doubt that, but am reminded of the day a humorless woman at a Dariy Queen asked me, in a flat voice, and with a straight face, "Do you want your nuts crushed?"

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