Anyone has success with the HCG diet drops? Just got them and on day 5.?

Just got them and it appears that I have lost a little weight. I have eliminated my coffee and coke addiction for the time being. Haven't had a fast food meal or bread in 5 days. NO sweets or etc. Are the drops for real? It says that I am limited to 500 calories a day. I am cheating there and taking in about 750.


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You've lost weight because you are eating an anorexic diet, not because of the HCG.

The HCG diet is a SCAM. It's a 30X homeopathic product. That 30X means there is one part of HCG in 1 x 10^30 parts of water. Yes, that's a 1 with 30 zeros after it.

Just so you know 10^30 drops of water equate to over 16 TRILLION cubic miles of water. In all those cubic miles, there is just 1 drop of HCG.