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Can you give some positive words, advice, prayers or share a success story with me?

Well today was cd 29 but is now cd 1 :(. Af showed about an hour ago. Hubby and I have taken the last 3 cycles off from treatments but we are going back this cycle. I will be doing Gonal F injections and an HCG trigger shot with timed intercourse unless our doctor decides to change something. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow and most likely will go in Wed or Thur for my baseline ultrasound to make sure my ovaries are ok for treatment then my injections will start on cd 5.

We have been ttc for 2 years and 3 months now.

Anyways could you please offer some positive words or maybe a success story to help us get through?


You all are so great!!! Your kind words and prayers mean so much to me. I shed some tears earlier because AF showed up. I then prayed and called hubby. He said 3rd time is bound to be the charm!!! I know I am truly blessed to have him. I am usually positive and strong in my faith but days like this test me to the limit. Thank you all so much for caring and providing me with words to give me back my strength and positive mindset!!!

Update 2:

Thank you all so much. Wanted to let you know the nurse said today that we had 2 options. The 1st being we do our 3rd cycle like the other 2 w/ a possible increase in meds or the 2nd being we meet with the doctor to reveiw our cycles and have an answer/questions session. She said she would recommend the 2nd option just in case there is something he would now like to do differently or change that would better our chances like possibly IUI. She said she knew we were paying out of pocket and it could be to our benefit to see him again. We chose option 2 and we see him on October 9. So 1 more month to relax!! Thanks again, you ladies are great and even though we are "strangers" we can help each other so much!! God has people cross our paths for a reason!!!! So thank you all so much!! God bless!!!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi...i always followed your questions because im also in your same shoes before...i would like to share you my successful story..well i guess, 3rd try is a charm for us as you will read it in my just going to paste it from my previous answers bcoz everytime people looked for a successful story i dont have to type the same thing over and over again...


    im 24 yrs. old and i had PCOS for 10 yrs. now and DH has a marginal sperm count...From the moment I knew that I had this disorder 10 yrs. ago. I knew i will have difficulty conceiving by my own and i need treatments to conceive..its just my intuition but i knew i needed help when its time for me to make a an asian so rice is our major source of food..i cannot cut back on my rice intake nor white bread and chocolates and i dont exercise...since caming here in the US i already gain 30 lbs. in 2 yrs and my pre pregnancy weight is 150 lbs. and im only 5'2 OB prescribed me to take metformin but i swear i always discontinue taking it bcoz it makes me nauseous..she also prescribed me clomid from 50-150 mg. and it doesn't work...we both agree that we dont want to waste any time though im still young, bcoz ME AND MY HUSBAND REALLY WANTED TO HAVE A KID OF OUR OWN AND BESIDES, infertility treatment except IVF (w/c you will pay only $3000-$5,000) is FREE WHEN YOUR SPOUSE IS IN THE MILITARY and they reimburse your money for gas, food, hotel (if you travelling more than 100 miles from house to the facility and you are referred by a military doctor). In our case were travelling 367 miles from our naval base to the next big naval base w/c have that treatment..We want to grab that FREE treatment while my husband is still in the military before he get out this nov.2008 (now that im preggo he extended another 6 mos. for me to avail the maternity benefits so he's getting out may 2009). So anyway, Last january was our first treatment w/ injectibles, trigger shot plus IUI, i had 2 mature follicle that sized 18mm..they do IUI but ended in a chemical pregnancy (i got the faintest pos. line then followed by neg. and period the next day)..feb and march were off bcoz, i developed cyst and they want it to shrink before we proceed to 2nd cycle. april was my 2nd cycle but was cancelled bcoz, i developed mild OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) i developed 30 possible maturing and my husband we're talking that april should be our last try bcoz we want to stop already (our patience were getting low) but it was cancelled so i told him "hunny bcoz april was cancelled, we'll try again, the month of May willl be our last try if it doesn't work then we'll stop, i guess its not yet time for us to have a baby esp. now that you're getting out" so here comes may, i only took metformin for a week and exercise for a week (but i never cut back on my diet i swear!) plus the injectibles and the trigger shot again ..this time i only produce 1 very mature follicle w/ a size of was supposed to be my 2nd IUI but cancelled bcoz it was weekend and they dont do IUI on weekend so my RE told us to do timed intercourse, we do the intercourse 12 hrs, 22, hrs. 32 hrs. after the trigger shot was administered with our FIRST TRY OF PRESEED 2 weeks has past and on June 8 (was supposed to be AF due) and never came but i already had few symptoms (i dont want to get excited by these symptoms so i just ignore them bcoz i dont want to be frustrated at the end) this cycle was different bcoz i was really scared to test bcoz i dont want to get a BFN unlike the previous cycles w/c i was very excited.. so 3 days after my AF was due (w/c falls on my 24th bday June 11) i had the guts to test @ 3:52 am w/ a $ brand as i drop the urine,,, the control line automatic appeared and i said "oh negative" but as seconds pass by the test line started to appear slowly and its started to color pink! as i looked at the clock at exactly 3:53 am there goes my first pos. test! BOOM! IM PREGGO! and ITS MY BDAY, LORD GAVE ME THE BEST BDAY GIFT EVER! that morning iwent to the naval hosp. coz they do walk in i asked for a blood test and in that same day IT WAS CONFIRMED! They said that im due on FEB.14,2009! HEARTS DAY!..i announce my pregnancy infront of my bday guest on June 14 as well with my husband and he was totally shock! his bday falls also on June but his on 21st so IT WAS OUR BEST BDAY PRESENT RECEIVED FROM GOD! ..our sacrifices finally paid off after driving 734 miles round trip twice to 3 times a week for how a couple of months just to have the estradiol blood test, follicle ultrasound monitoring, administering trigger shot and etc. that is related on our infertility treatment..i do the driving most of the time alone and im a new driver!(i just got my driver license feb.2007 and im a housewife so im always have time unlike my husband he got a job) he only goes with me if its his day off or he ask for his chief to that's my story...

    Source(s): 19w2d preggo w/ #1 after TTC for 24 mos due to infertility injectibles and timed intercourse plus first use of preseed!
  • 1 decade ago

    It usually takes 3 cycles to conceive. You can increase your chances by doing an IUI or adding progesterone suppositories. If you are getting tired of it all you should consider taking Metformin for a few months and then maybe try some Femara. It really seems to work wonders for me and others I have read about online. It doesn’t mess with you like Clomid or Gonal F.

    I conceived on my second round of Injectables and IUI but sadly miscarried, I am now 6 weeks pregnant again. All I did was take 5 days of Femara and My metformin (I am not diabetic) and baby aspirin. Because I was so bummed from my miscarriage and scared it would happen again I didn’t really try very hard, I know when I am Trying to conceive people tell me not to worry so much and I would go mad but I think it really worked this time. I can’t say for sure because I could miscarry again but I am hopeful. You are so sweet to everyone and I don’t know why this has to be so hard for you. But just remember the odds or now in your favor because the third time is scientifically the charm. KEEP US POSTED! You can do this!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am unfamiliar with all the terminology you described, as I did not have to go through fertility treatments. So I apologize if I misunderstood, but it seems that your current attempts are not going well.

    I can tell you that I have had several friends who have undergone treatment, and the technology is always improving. I have a friend who is now pregnant after her 2nd attempt with IVF. I also have a friend who needed help with babies 1 & 2 and then had a surprise #3 with no help at all.

    I also have a friend who decided not to continue with fertility treatments.

    I guess my point is this - everyone is a little different and has different experiences. You and your husband are the only two people who can decide what is right for you - and how far you go with your efforts. Whether you have success with this, or you decide to adopt or you decide you are content with just the two of you - is only up to you.

    I am sure you already know all this, and I don't know if it helps or not. But reading your story made me feel for you. And I can tell you that I will be wishing for your health and success. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi HoneyB1,

    We've been trying for 16 month and have been in fertility treatments for the last 9 months - I'm 37.5 yrs, so we didn't wait long for evaluation. I did 5 months of clomid, one of those months with the addition of 3 days of gonal f as well. After 2 IUI's w/meds, we decided to move to IVF. I started acupuncture and I spent a fortune on medication and ultrasounds, and bloodwork and I did all of the injections... and only created 3 follicles. We had to convert to an IUI b/c they wouldn't do IVF for less than 5 follicles. I was so sad because I was a donor 6 years ago and made 12 for family friends. I was beside myself, but tried to remember that my lining was thicker than it had ever been (9+) and I had more follies than I'd ever had before. So we went ahead and did the IUI and followed up the old fashioned way as well. And I prayed and prayed and prayed - just like I have been for months. And last week I got my very first BFP ever, confirmed by two beta hcgs. My first ultrasound is next week and I get to see how many implanted :)

    Keep on trying. If what you are doing is not working, move on to something else. I'm going to continue with acupuncture through the first trimester to help prevent miscarriage, since it seemed to help me conceive.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I've been a single mom since my son was 9 months old. (He is now 4) I was on welfare, and had no child support and I had to figure it all out on my own. My mom lets us live with her for a very minimal charge and I reallly appreciate that. I did not have a vehicle because his father took the car that I paid for when he left us, so I had to wait a long time to get a car, and in turn a job also because I live somewhere that does not have public transportation. I started a program for welfare parents to help me find a job and get state assisted child care. I found a job in 2 months and worked there for two years. I have been off of welfare since July of 04 and just left that job I had gotten for one with a much higher pay rate. I am also in school and have been since March of 06. I am due to graduate this winter. My son goes to a daycare that the state pays for part of and I pay the rest, and at night while I'm at school my mom watches him. I am so lucky to have the help I have had. The only assistance that I receive at this point anymore is the daycare and my son has health insurance through the state and thats changing at the end of this week. It was so hard for me to do this and he's the one that kept me going.

  • I personally have not had to go through fertility treatments, I can relate a tiny bit. I got pregnant very easily with my first four, but had a harder time conceiving this last time. I am currently nine weeks (scared everyday of another miscarriage~but trying to stay stress free). I have a dear friend who tried for over three years and after her first IFV conceived twins, she had only three embryos implanted. She is due in November and doing great. I will send you many prayers that this is your cycle, good luck!!!!

    Psalm 113:9 - "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord."

    "All women are valuable in the eyes of the Lord. Whether you are a mother, expecting, trying to conceive, unable to conceive, or suffering from a miscarriage, the Lord loves you and has a perfect plan just for you. In His own time, He will show that to you."

  • Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation! A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.

    Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love your cake"

    "Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers. "Yuck" says her daughter.

    "How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Mom!"

    "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Mom, those are all yucky!"

    To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

    God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

    God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.

    Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.

    Source(s): TTC 12 months starting clomid this month!
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm glad to see you haven't given up. IT WILL HAPPEN. Has with everything in life, everything has it's time. Remember to be a good parents you have to have lots and lots of patient and you and your hubby are showing alot of that right now. When you do get pregnant (not if) you will be such good parents because you will appreciate that child soooo much more. I will definatley pray for you (as well as myself). And I can't wait till you post your BFP:)

    Ps- my mom told me God always answer prayers, you just have to ask...and be patient.

    Source(s): Some one in the same boat
  • 1 decade ago

    Have you and hubby thought of taking a break. All these drugs can't be good for your body! Why don't you give your self a 6 month break and see what happens. If it doesn't work then maybe it isn't meant to be. Some women are not made to carry babies! It sounds like you maybe one of them. There is always adoption. I would look into that. I think you two are putting to much stress on yourselves!

    Good Luck!


  • 1 decade ago

    Hey i just want to say to you 3rd time lucky!! It was for me and i was on the same injections but sadly i just had a miscarriage but i have hope for you. I wish you loads of luck xx

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Lord, please be with HoneyB1 and her husband as they go through this extremely stressful time in their lives. They trust in You and believe that Your will is to be done but, as humans, they undoubtedly struggle with the question of why their journey toward parenthood is so circuitous. Please help them to feel Your healing grace as they continue down this path and let them always turn to You for the guidance that only You can provide.

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