Did you/will you find out the sex of your baby?

My partner and I are arguing about this lol. He wants a surprise and I want to know so we can buy for a girl/boy. He said I should find out and not tell him but that sort of defeats the purpose of getting organised!

What did you decide to do and why?


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we couldnt stand the suspence and decided to find out..i also wanted to be able to decorate the nursery and buy stuff for him in more colours than white and yellow.
we plan on having three so will also find out with number two but im thinking we'll keep it a surprise for number 3 just to have the experience of both.. and also make it a little bit more special since he/she will be the final bub :)

Mum 2 be2011-08-05T11:59:34Z

We both wanted to know so bad !! I found out 2 days ago at 16 weeks I'm having a girl :) I just couldn't wait at all lol but I will leave my next as a suprise :)


I have 3 children.
With my first and second child we kept it a surprise, it was a boy and a girl.
Now i am pregnant with my third child and we had a 4D scan and that's when we found out the sex, its a little girl.
I think finding out the sex of your baby at your scan is better, you can go out and buy little dungarees or little pink dresses for the rest of your pregnancy.

mama ✿ young2011-08-05T10:27:35Z

We found out with my son because I wanted a girl so badly. I kid you not, I WOULD have bought girl clothes, and that's the biggest reason why! Wouldn't have had things any other way though. <3

We just found out we're pregnant with our rainbow baby. I think that baby will be a surprise though. Because they were a big surprise to us yesterday!


My parents decided to have the surprise because that way when it comes, you are really excited to see what it is when it comes out. They waited for me and my brother and say they dont regret it.

To get ready: Buy a crib and things that are for boy or girl = yellow
Get toys that they would both like - teddys, little music toys.
Also for bibs and things, get things with farm yard animals on.
When i was born my parents had already got me the little octupus that makes lots of different noises. They didnt know i was going to be a girl,and i love it. I would also suit a boy.

With names, think of boy and girl names. I have a few that you could use:


Louise / Louisa



Then when it comes, if its a girl, give it your fav girl name and if its a boy, give it your fav boy name!

Then just buy things more to girl or boy once its born.

Decide what ever you want and good luck. x

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