Why are the liberals/Democrats blaming the Tea Party for the credit downgrade?

Why are the liberals/Democrats blaming the Tea Party for the credit downgrade when S&P claims they did so because there were not enough cuts to government spending. The Tea Party was FOR more cuts to government spending. It was the Democrats that prevented the deeper cuts.

From the Article on the front page of Yahoo right now: (read that last sentence twice)

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's on Friday downgraded the nation's rating for the first time since the U.S. won the top ranking in 1917. The move came after Congress haggled over budget cuts and the nation's borrowing limit -- and failed to cut enough government spending to satisfy S&P.

YB Logical2011-08-05T19:29:35Z

Favorite Answer

The House of Representatives passed a bill which would have prevented the down grade.
Harry Reid and the Democrat Senate refused to even vote on it.
It was called "Cap, Cut, and Balance".


Because the Tea Party members are the ones who kept holding up deals. They did not want to raise the debt limit, they did not want to compromise. They refused to back the $4 trillion cuts that the Speaker and the President worked out. The $4 trillion cuts would have been enough to satisfy S&P.


Too many are ignorant about how things work. You have people here blaming things that have built up over several years, on the Tea party debt negotiations, which have only been going on for a few weeks.

I mean just look at the ignorance. "Job loss skyrocketed." In fact, in the past few weeks, the unemployment has actually gone down (a pathetic amount to be sure, but certainly is has not skyrocketed in the past few weeks). What morons...

Uncle Pennybags2011-08-06T02:27:25Z

The Tea Party tried to get large cuts to reduce deficits, and a Balanced Budget Amendment passed.

Of course the Democrats blame the Tea Party. They obviously think S&P dislikes those things.


The S&P wanted increased revenue and spending cuts that amounted to $4 trillion, which was what Obama's plan aimed for as well.

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