I heard of some underweight horses...?
..in the next town over. So I made a trip out there to see for myself. The owner acted as though they were all fine.
Animal Control was called and concluded the issue wasn't severe enough for them to intervene. They said that she has been reported a lot and at least she has narrowed her heard down from 20. They also concluded that the three year old roan stallion was only moderately thin! Originally the owner was going to give me a couple of the horses.( I really didn't want them, but wanted to get them out of there) I said I would go home and talk it over with my husband.
Meanwhile the AC officer told the owner that she was reported by someone who had made a recent visit to her place and took photos. So, when I called the woman to see if she still wanted to give up a couple of horses she was livid.
I think the AC officer was out of line and made poor judgment calls regarding the situation and the horses.
What do you think?
Thanks for your answers.
A couple more notes. She wants the horses. She is planning on still breeding. The lil choco mare is her star brood mare now. She has two and three year old colts that she wanted 2500 and 3500 for. She doesn't feel like she is doing anything wrong. She told AC if they could do better then they can take them.(which they of course didn't)
Animal control said they have no place to put them if they seized them.
We work with a Rescue group, that will find foster homes.
Ac asked for permission to go on the property and it was days before she allowed them to. Giving her time to remove the shelter off the stallion and have water in each corral.
She has been turned in several times over the years and will reduce her herd by temporarily placing them then get more. WE have a vet that is going to do a well check there today. If she will let him.
The town itself is reluctant to do anything because of a previous case.