Yahoo mail changes...?
Isn't it interesting how the new setup looks extremely close to Gmail???
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Even so, the two can't compare. There's nothing as clean & simplistic as the original. I don't want to see "their" idea of my homepage every time I log in. That's BULL.
Yahoo is becoming very controlling, and something like my email & what comes up in my favorite links should be under MY control...not theirs.
LoneStar: First...Yahoo feedbck is a joke. Even when I wrote them for something more serious than just displeasure of their system, I had never ever gotten anything beyond a generic reply, then all subsequent replies back had all my comments & questions missing. Nothing was ever resolved.
Next, when I tried to go to my mail, they gave me NO option to say "no thanks" or "keep classic", otherwise, I would have selected it & I wouldn't be here complaining about it.
Can't stay on the all new version?? Good, because it's a horrible program, a copied design, & it seems they ask certain users if they want it & other choice. They also made me change my password...again.