Are green peppers considered citrus?

I am putting together a diet plan to reduce acid reflux. I know green peppers are high in vitamin C but are they considered citrus foods? Because if so I cannot have them. Thanks for your helpful responses.


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Scoopster, I need your reference, unless you are a dietitian or nutritionist. Please provide basis for your answer. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

No, they are not citrus. Lots of fruits and vegetables have high vitamin C besides citrus. You need to look at the acidity of a food - not the vitamin content.

Hope my additional info helps you and I hope you can control your acid reflux!




Citrus (Oranges, lemons, tangerines, etc) Blueberries Canned or Glazed Fruits Cranberries Currants Plums Prunes Tomatoes


Green peppers are vegetables... aren't all citrus foods fruits?