Does morning sickness indicate the sex of the baby?

The I am about 10 weeks pregnant, and I have had some nausea but no morning sickness. When I was pregnant with my son I didn't have any either. My mother told me when she was pregnant with me she had morning sickness but not when she was pregnant with my brother. I was just wondering if anyone who has had both a girl and a boy had a similar experience, is there anyone who had morning sickness with a boy or didn't have any with a girl. I'd like a girl this time to have one of each, but it doesn't really matter, I'm just curious.


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With my first daughter I had no morning sickness. A little nausea here and there, but nothing severe. With my second daughter I had a lot of morning sickness. So I've had two girls one without morning sickness and one with. So no, morning sickness doesn't indicate the gender of the baby. I think I'm pregnant with a boy this time and I had really severe morning sickness (I lost 22 pounds). My mother had no morning sickness with any of her kids, she had my sister, two boys (two years apart), then me. Perhaps, you're just one of the lucky ones like my mom who is never has morning sickness.


Morning sickness def can not tell the sex of your baby. I am 33 weeks preg with a boy and have not had any morning sickness my whole pregnancy. But i have a friend who is preg with a boy also and she wakes up every morning and sometimes even at night feeling sick. It just depends on the hormones in your body.

Atheism itself is your best shot at heaven !!2011-08-19T01:33:15Z

Morning sickness indicates nothing other than you're pregnant and probably miserable. I had no morning sickness at all with either of my 3 pregnancies and and I have both genders.

Mom to Bella,Cade, Emslee2011-08-19T01:36:45Z

Its different for every woman and every pregnancy. It doesn't really indicate the sex of the baby one way or another. but just for fun i will share my experience. with my first pregnancy, my daughter, i was really sick, had severely bad morning sickness. and when i was pregnant with my son the 2nd pregnancy, i had morning sickness, but it was a lot more mild. not as bad as with my daughter.


Nope... My first and second born, no sickness. Both boys. My third pregnancy (now) I was so sick. I mean S.I.C.K. Sick. Thought for sure I was having a girl, but turns out "she" is actually a "he". It depends on the woman, and the pregnancy.

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