Ok, a tattoo on my side/ribs...?
I know tattoos on the ribs and side look good on skinny people with small curves, but would a side/rib tattoo look good on a curvier girl? I have nice curves, but I'm not skinny by anymeans. I'm just trying to find a placement for my next tattoo, I wanted it on my foot, but I wont be able to cover it.
Don't tell me not to get a tattoo or anything, I already have one, and this next one I am getting will be in memory of my cousin who died 4 months premature. She would be 6 in December. She died when I was only in 7th grade and wasn't quite sure how to handle that, so this will be in memory of her.
I was thinking about having stars come down from the side of my right shoulder blade, down along my side, then have a premature birth awareness ribbon and a butterfly sitting like on my hip near my pelvic bone area. Would that look good? or not?
The reason why I am going with stars, is it fits the theme of my first tattoo, which is moons and stars, so the stars would fit in.