When you feel lonely what makes you feel better?

~ *Leaping Water* ~ x puddles of love x2011-08-20T19:21:20Z

Favorite Answer

Knowing the feelings will pass . . an email from a friend will come in or a phone call from someone I love....knowing God loves me and has a perfect plan for my life....something always comes to chase away those lonely blues :))

(((Billy))) :)


I have meditated on and off for decades, it gives you the knowing of the Oneness of all Life everywhere, and I never feel alone. In a world so full of life how can you feel alone, also I am surrounded by animals, I have dogs and cats and birds and even a mouse gets in the house they just look at me like I'm just one of the crew..I also have a lot of big ants, I don't bother them and they don't bother me, but they are all nice enough to let me live in their house !!!


Riding my motorcycle at night, a hot cup of coffee, a sunny and windy weather, good music, seeing my godson, cooking my favorite food, video games, a chat with a friend while having some ice cold beer. Tonight, I will go on the roof of our house and lay there if the moon is out.


Getting closer to the Lord through prayer and reading the Bible.


Watching Food Network and trying to copy the best of the best. :)

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