What technological wonder would you like to see in the future?

Poorman's Bread2011-08-23T08:14:01Z

Favorite Answer

A machine that could convert wild plants, bacteria, and fungi into edible food. Such a machine could feed the world and prevent famine. Look up the manna machine.

Mark T2011-08-21T11:35:37Z

The singularity would be nice to see I think.

Wouldn't it be great to see our species be able to not have to worry about it's overall existence, we can send Von Neuman machines to create cities on the moon or Mars , wait a few decades, and go live there.

The only downside is that from the perspective of the machines we become the equivalent of the potted plant.



A flying motorcycle that transforms itself into a car to have some friends to join the ride.


I'm tempted to say hover-boards, but that'll probably never happen. I'd be willing to settle for a comp that comprehends spoken english.


I'd like to have the little planes from houseports, you know the kind like they had in the Jetson's, I really thought when I was young that by now we would have them, wouldn't it be neat?

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