did you get hit by the 5.9 earthquake?

i sure did and i live in maryland. i was just playing halo reach online and then i was like why the hell is my house shaking and i just ran under and table and stayed there for like 10 minutes. My kitchen floor is also broken now

missy ��2011-08-23T11:22:07Z

Favorite Answer

Yeah I felt it in Canada :S

Landon Reid2011-08-23T19:50:18Z

Yes, I was in fredericksburg. I was laying in my bed watching tv and all of a sudden the house started rumbling. So I ran outside to the ground shaking and car signals going off and people running out there house scared shitless. It was probably one of the worst expiriences of my life.


When did it happen? Cause I SWEAR when I was layin in bed like half an hour ago I felt like it shook a little bit but when I just thought I was crazy! I live in Ohio


Why the hell are you playing Halo Reach? That game is dead to me.


Yesss. I live in NYC and my house was shaking and I didn't have any pants on but I ran outside because I was so scared xD

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