Should we be concerned about Fukushima radiation in food?
I live in the Midwest USA. I'm particularly curious about cow milk, but also, if you have any info on produce, especially from California, or any other concerns. Clearly the FDA, EPA, WHO, IAEA, and mainstream media won't tell us. And maybe they're right, maybe there's little or no concern, but we're just plain foolish if we take them for their word.
We would like this concern for transparency to extend to other areas, and in particular to WHO’s relationship with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), one of whose objectives is to promote the use of civil nuclear power. Few people are aware that WHO and the IAEA signed an agreement, on 28 May, 1959 (WHA12-40) which in practice prevents either of these two UNO agencies publicly adopting a position which could be detrimental to the interests of the other.
This agreement explains the disinformation emanating from WHO in relation to nuclear power, and notably in relation to the health consequences of the Chernobyl accident. The press release of 5 September 2005, cosigned by WHO and the IAEA, is an example. It announces a “definitive” total of fifty or so deaths and 4000 potential deaths following exposure to radioactivity after the accident, with not a word about the hundreds of thousands of liquidators from all over the USSR who cleaned up the site. And yet, of the 173,000 Russian liquidators, registered as victims following their work at Chernobyl, 10% were dead by 2001 and 30% were recognized as invalids (declaration of the Director of Health of Russia at the Kiev Conference on Chernobyl in 2001) Nothing either, on the health condition of the children in Belarus, despite the fact that, according to the Vice Minister of Health, only 20% of them were considered in “good health” in the year 2000, as against 80% in 1985.
Nothing good about the nuclear news at the end of August as we have official recognition (finally) of what is going on in Japan and thus what is threatening the rest of the world, especially the northern hemisphere.
It is now being said that the amount of radioactive cesium that has leaked from a tsunami-hit nuclear plant is about equal to 168 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II, Japan’s nuclear agency said Friday the 26th.
That’s like dropping one nuclear weapon a day since the beginning of this disaster and this is what they have been calling safe...