Your Open QuestionShow me another » MEN, ANSWER THIS PLEASE!!? I will be moving to a diff. state soon and I met a guy there. He doesn't knw for sure I will be moving. We've had a little wkend fling and said we should get together when I'm back in town but he hasn't contacted me since. Would it bother you or how would you feel if you were him and I texted you first and kind of persued you?? Any advice would be great! Thanks!!
PS - Ill be going there this wkend...
pieter U32011-09-09T11:27:23Z
Favorite Answer
Men will say anything. The safest thing to do is NEVER believe a single thing they say. They will tell you what they think you want to hear as long as they are getting what they want - sex.
If you go by these basic standards you will still be able to interact with them but keep it in mind. You will be ready for the inevitable disappointment.
Eventually you might meet a guy who has genuine feelings for you and it will become apparent in time. Until then - all men lie and all men are bastards. Have fun.
First things first, absolutely under no circumstances make it seem like you're moving there because of him. I really hope that's not the case. I would advise playing it very casually, send a text basically telling him "hey i'm moving to XYZ, I really dont know my way around, any chance you would be my tour guide?" Obviously you can make it a little more flirty if you want, but essentially something along those lines would let him know you're moving nearby, but also give him a chance to make a connection again by offering to show you around if he's interested. If it was just a fling or there's a girlfriend or something, then it also gives him an opportunity to decline or to respond. p.s. this works even if you do know your way around. Just try to give him a heads up, and not text him when you're on his doorstep already!
justasmalltowngirl, by name and it sounds by nature too, what are you playing at? If it were me I'd think you were hot for it and that is all you wanted me for. Being pursued by a young lady is ok in a certain manner but not in the way you have described it, to me it sounds as if you are gonna stalk him. Isn't this illegal? Are you just throwing yourself at him? This will make others see you as being cheap and an easy girl to get with. Let him come after you, he will if he wants to have a relationship with you or maybe he just wants a fling too and that is all. The choice is yours, don't make a small town girls mistake in this, think things over very carefully first.
Hit him up but only once. You very well might have just been a weekend fling for the guy. If he responds then great if not then he probably has a girlfriend or something and you should leave him alone.
1st you should at least consider it might have been a polite lie. other than that, no. repeat customers are usually desired. the fact you would "do me" again is always a nice feeling. some guys might have a problem with having a 'relationship' with someone that had sex with them "too soon" (IDK what that means either). good luck hope it works for ya