M16 vs AK47 assault guns for a 14 year old?

i are want a assault rifle adnd my daddy told me to pick a ak57 or a m16 assault gun. so far i think i pick ak37 because it does more damage in CoD than the m16 and the m16 cant shoot semi auto in CoD and i want a assault gun i can sniper with at 1000 yards without having to be stuck with a gun that cant fire semi automactically. what gun should i pick? also the bullet the m16 shoots is really small and i want a gun i can shoot someojne wih and they die wthot having to unload the whole clip into ther face. help me!


How does that make you feel Native?


Favorite Answer

I wanna ***-alt riffle 2 butt mummy want let me hev won.

Get a glock shotgun an pwn teh noobz. it semmi awtoe.


People that think they're experts in Special Weapons and Tactics by playing Call of Duty are probably the same people that say they want to carry a Desert Eagle .50.

If playing games makes them proficient in guns, then geez I must be a Navy SEAL.


Ok kid I'm the same age as u I hav a ruger mini 14, glock 17, rem 870, rem1100, walther p22, marlin 336, Winchester 94, and m&p15-22. U give people bad views on kids shooting and having firearms. There not assault rifles the tatucal sporting rifles
Because ther not full auto. And the difference between me and you is I can safelly handle a gun compared to you so please stop


dude grow the **** up its a video game its nothing like real life, what you think real life is one big game? If it is then why can't I be like GTA IV and get the police to not arrest me when I set some ones house on fire or when I vandalize a police car or even when I call in bomb threats to my school, and you do know that a freaking AK-47 would knock you on yo little white azz, and an M16 I highly doubt you can handle anything with power since you think video games are simalier to real life, most states have restrictions on assault rifles dumby if you can shoot someone at a thousand yards with a assault rifle go get on top shot and prove us wrong, kid grow up and learn real life from video games you little dumb ****, And damn I am one year older then you, and I own 3 12 gauges one sawed off still legal just modified, I also own 1 glock, 2 .357s, a S&W M&P .223 Carbine and a .223 winchester, just get a .223 fires the same round as a AK and GROW UP! THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL LIFE AND VIDEO GAMES AND THAT IS EVERYTHING!


I believe Treyarch did us all a favor by owning noobtubers, quickscopers, stupid people that only use shotguns, and dropshotters, those were totally bullshit things in MW2 and Black Ops addresses and fixes these problems, the only problem is they went overboard!
Nobody gives a rats *** if you don't play Black Ops anymore because you can't be a cheap little *****!
(I'd love to see somebody, in real love, hold a gun steady, and be shooting while lying down to prone, it wouldn't happen, they'd end up shooting themselves!)
Go Whine Somewhere Else

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