91 Grand Marquis, had two spare keys made, they work in door, not in ignition.?

Keys will not turn in ignition, turn freely in doors.


Favorite Answer

if they were cut from your original ignition key then take a wire brush and brush the hill/valleys of the key down -sometimes they have burrs that stand up and prevent the key from functioning properly--still no joy?--take them back and use another place to have the keys made--I have had the same problem in the past--some cutters work differently than others--might try an actual locksmiths shop-=-little more expensive but they cut til it fits and works

george 22011-09-12T20:38:04Z

with a lot of cars back then you had a different key for the ignition then for the door locks. also it could be that the ignition lock has been changed having to use a different key.


Probably not cut properly or they used the wrong key fob. Compare the copies to the original, you're bound to spot something different between them.