Best long lasting earphones for under $50?

In the past I've been too cheap to actually invest in headphones $8 or $10 gummies which are great at first but then the quality decreases and it barely lasts three months. Now I have the apple headphones that came with my ipod and I absolutely HATE them because when you're in a noisy environment (I take the train everyday) you can barely hear your music. What's a good pair of earphones for $50 and under?

Divide By Zero2011-09-14T18:37:48Z

Favorite Answer

Here is a review of almost all earphones, by a knowledgeable person at an audiophile forum --


Best long lasting earphones:


From the way you say - looks like you like your music which is understandable. If you can save a little more and get the solo by dr dre as they are the cheapest. If its too expensive see skull candy or seinnheiser.


complex task. research over yahoo. that will will help!