okay so if the economy is getting better why is this happening...?


and why are jobs going down faster tha a bowling ball over a waterfall ? and who is lying.


Favorite Answer

Many factors are in play, you make you're own decision as to who is to blame, or what is to blame.

You can be provided with facts, but as many here choose, the facts are ignored.


I blame the American consumer who for fifty years has shown a greater and greater tendancy to prefer cheap foreign made goods to products made by the American worker.

If I ran a company that made toasters and I was being driven out of business because my competitor was selling toasters for $5 less because they were being made by cheap labor in indonesia, I would have no choice but to have my product made overseas also to be able to survive competitively.

Look at the labels on the clothing you are wearing now. Chances are they were made in the Dominican Republic or haiiti ot some other third world country. You didnt care where they were made when you bought them, You only cared that they were a couple bucks cheaper than the similar clothing on the next shelf.

I don't blame the Government or big Busines. I