Obama says "Approve this bill right now"?

From LA TImes - "Obama's urgent jobs plan: Right now, 'right now' means sometime next month maybe" Seems Democrats will not have the bill even ready to discuss for over a month. They are very busy, and have a vacation coming up! Is this administration and Senate Dem's a ZOO?

I think it is all talk and political marketing with zero substance. All the "Urgent" "Right Now" yak yak is just so they can blame Re-pubs for holding them up later. What do you think?

Paul Grass™2011-09-19T07:33:23Z

Favorite Answer

He can say that all he wants go on tv every night of the week and it will not pass. He has had 3 years to present a workable plan, it is nothing more than campaign speaking and union stimulating, and it wil not pass


This is not a "jobs" bill it is a tax increase and spending bill disguised under a "jobs" title.

Every tax increase and revenue increase that Obama has generated has resulted in more jobs going over seas, shrinkage of the economy, and less jobs out there, and with less jobs, the revenue stream from taxes gets smaller.

In the mean time the Black and the poor of this nation are being tortured with inflation and cost of living expenses, none of which been offset by increases in the government stipend checks to individuals since the day Obama took office. (the total amount the government spends has exploded, but the amount to individuals has decreased. i.e Social Security, Medicare benefits, Food stamps, etc). The black and Poor in this country have suffered more under Obama than any other president in history. That is the facts.

So the bottom line is that this new Jobs bill will be nothing more than the same garbage in a new wrapper.


All Obama does is talk. But as of now, maybe that's a good thing. A President shouldn't panic, especially with something of a non-starter as this sure-to-be pork-filled "jobs bill."

Obama wants 1.5 trillion in new taxes, instead of 1.5 trillion in new spending cuts. He also wants 10 trillion for social programs, apparently unaware or doesn't care that we're broke.


yep and republicans will fight him not because they think its right or wrong theyre trying to make obama fail because bush failed and if obama loses the next republican will fail then well cry some more