Christian Conservatives who support the Death Penalty (calm, rational answers only)?

I am genuinely curious about your mindset. Many Conservatives claim to follow the moral/ethical values taught by Jesus. Many Christians, when in doubt, ask the popular "What would Jesus do" to help guide their decisions in life. Now, we are human so we are of course imperfect. But I do not see how any Christian could support the Death Penalty. Jesus was a strict pacifist that taught his followers to love everyone including, and especially, our enemies who seek to harm us.

How do you justify, in your mind, the Death Penalty. I am NOT saying the Death Penalty is wrong or immoral or whatever. I am just wondering how some Christians can support it even though it is contradictory of the teachings of Jesus that they supposedly follow.

Please, give calm, rational answers. I want actual intelligent discourse. (Dont worry, I wont Report your answers even if they are not).


Mark, I'm glad you support the death penalty. Can you tell me why.


Favorite Answer

273 people exonerated by dna evidence. the justus system.


"An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth"

The punishment should befit the crime. Of course people that embezzle or defraud others should not get the death penalty. They should be forced to make restitution and spend the rest of their lives in jail (depending on how many and how much they pilfered or defrauded).

Another aspect to think about is not seriously punishing criminals and murderers will only lead to more criminals and murderers. This means more people in jail. Costs a whole lot more to keep someone in jail for life than it does to execute them!

With the technological advances in DNA testing, yes, over one hundred innocent prisoners have been set free and saved from certain execution. This only speaks even more strongly to the need for reforming the appeals process and prevent states and the courts from uselessly being forced to spend millions on appeal after appeal for those that are obviously and incontrovertibly guilty!

If there is any viable DNA in existence that will exonerate, rules, procedures, and precedents be damned! View the evidence, allow it to be submitted as evidence, tested or retested, whatever it take to insure that an innocent man does not pay the ultimate price for a crime he/she did not commit. However, stop the insanity of untold millions being wasted on the guilty!


The Bible says 'Who so ever shedth mans blood, by using guy shall his blood be shed". the misperception is that the disciples have been pacifist. If that have been the case then why did Peter take his sword and decrease off the ear of the severe Priest's servant interior the backyard of Gethsemane. God gave Samson the capability to slay the Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. The Bible additionally teaches justice. Our regulations are in line with Christian-Judael ethics. the unique Hebrew of the ten Commandments does not say "Thou shalt no longer kill". interior the Hebrew it says "Do no homicide".


I support the death penalty!