how to heal being jilted?

my ex was to come to the philippines to meet me so that we could finally get married. We lived together in the UK while i was there and was together for 10 months. long distance relationship was hard but we managed somehow. then when he was finally able to come to the Philippines, he met someone in the internet and in only 2 weeks, she was able to give him a philippine sim card. She is only 19, him 48, and me 33. He went to meet her instead in the 1 month they chatted. He stayed in the Philippines for only 2 weeks and in one week, he married her. the last week, he was able to secure a visa for her and she is now there in the UK instead of me. DIRTY OLD MAN and PROSTITUTE GIRL. She is a prostitute cos i saw an ad of her in dateinasia. which she erased when i discovered about it and tried to tell him to save him from her clutches. But still he married her. And can you believe he still wanted me to be his friend? And he still gave me his phone number to keep in touch. What is with that? He says I am a dear friend and wants to keep me as such but after what he did, i don't want to. The hurt he inflicted is still fresh and I cry cos of his treachery whenever thoughts of them pop up. I try to focus on some other things but as it is..still fresh. Any suggestions please?


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Well for one, If this has hurt you to the level you have advised. Then cutting all contact with him is a good idea. You need time to heal it could be six months to a year before you can prob face him again. I've read that someplace as a average time frame. Also you said you found info on her and stuff, Please stop doing that also its just gonna remind you of something your trying to heal from and forget. Yeah i used the word forget you won't that easy. Now you need to take care of yourself, any worry of him or her is not taking care of yourself your feeding the hurt. What you need to do is find something new to get involved with. Hobbies, Reading, Games, Social Events, anything that allows your mind to be active and not sitting there thinking what are they doing. Keep your chin up and remember nothing is put in your path that you can't handle. This is just a large stepping stone you will get over and who knows what can be waiting on the other side . Best of luck and keep smiling he is the one that is gonna deal with the issues with her..You don't.


You're doing precisely as you must do - taking it handy and handling the jackass's jilting you. Yeah, I understand it hurts - it is simply as difficult on us men while a lady does that to us! Don't reduce this fellow Ross off totally, however you could meet for a cup of espresso at times. Give it a yr and spot how matters figure out. Who is aware of - might be this man Ross is your soul mate and also you simply have not discovered it but.