Want To Come Sit With Me?

Come here, dear
sit with me
it's a beautiful day
and I'm feeling lonely
so many people have
come and gone
I wonder how it is I
ended up alone
we can share our day
watching birds in the park
come sit with me
just for awhile

oh, oh,
they're coming for us
do you think they know
how we opened that door?


Favorite Answer

Shirley, this brought a memory back to me. I'd gone shopping one day with my Mum and we saw this old chap going for a walk in his pyjamas A few moments later, staff from the local nursing home drew up in a car and took him back. I can remember feeling really sad. He just wanted to get out in the fresh air and do something normal. Something that we take for granted. At the time I thought that he must have been really lonely in the nursing home. Your poem brought that right back to me.

Caz :) x2011-09-26T15:41:37Z

I feel like that some days... like a sit in the park, with a blanket on the ground having a picnic..reading a poem . But they always take me back to the nutty house

Nice poetry ... No not just nice lovely thank you :)

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2011-09-25T19:03:49Z

Hi, sweet sentiment, and I often go to a park alone to commune, but it could be nice havin someone to chat with.

Opened the door? Yowee they found out I'm missin from bed check at the "home" ? Oh wait, maybe you mean the birds, and the bags of food we sprinkle around.

THE BANNIBAL ONE2011-09-25T18:35:04Z

Yes,I will if I can bring my friend along.
Then 3 of us will have a great picnic
and read some poems..
This is a sweet calming poem.
Thank You bye


I'll bring the blanket Shirley, It is a funny time indeed
Nice to see you

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