Do you believe there is evidence/proof for god?

If so, please post it.

Keep in mind the following arguments have been thoroughly debunked, or are at least well known and not accepted by atheists (such as myself)

-Cosmological/First cause argument
-"Fine tuning" argument
-Your holy book (Note: Things in the holy book CAN count as evidence if there is evidence outside the holy book collaborating its supernatural elements. This means evidence, not 'witnesses')
-'Faith'/'You just know' arguments
-'There is objective moral law' arguments
-'God of the gaps' (Anything that says "well science can't explain anything, therefore god is the most reasonable explanation")
-I MAY be forgetting some.

So do you have any better/newer arguments/evidence that hasn't been presented yet and might actually suffice as sound? Do you have new facts supporting any of the arguments above that I might not have taken into consideration?

If not, then you're probably wasting your time trying to convert most atheists, however if you do, please, provide it. I'm always looking for new information to form a more complete picture of the universe around me.


Oop, did forget one of them:
-Pascel's Wager ("Belief is statistically better then unbelief because god will send you to hell")


...what a well formed and thought out rebuttal in this discussion, XD.

Also adding to the list:
-Plain old assertion


Brett: "You don't have to, but I do."

Kudos, I respect that, if nothing else!


"Also, how did the energy get there? Was it just there? I doubt it. The only thing I can think of is that there is a Higher Being."

And thats fine. However the answer on both our parts is still really "I don't know." Maybe the energy was always there? If it couldn't have always been there why could a god?

"Also, please respect God by capitalizing His name."

To be clear I'm using "god" as the general term for any and all deities as, to me, they're all equal in likelihood and validity. If I was referring specifically to the Christian God, I would.


Favorite Answer

Yes, for proof of the God of Israel please read below:

The Judo-Christian God of the Bible is the One and True God because He is the only God that has withstood the test of time, science, history, and prophecies of the Bible. This can be seen through the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written over 2000 years ago; proving that it with stood the test of time because it matches up word-for-word of the Hebrew Bible today. Verses such as Leviticus 17:14 stating “For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.” and Isaiah 40:22 stating “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”. These verses in the Bible are proven to be scientifically true thousands of years after they were written! The Israelites being enslaved to the Egyptians 3000 years ago and the Israelites spending 40 years in the desert is historically accurate proving that the Bible stands the test of history. And the test of prophecy is being fulfilled right now by the world leaders discussing and making plans how on they, the leaders of the world, are able to unite the world through a global government and economy. This is written in the Bible in verse of Revelation 13:7 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” and in Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”.


Actually these arguements have not been debunked. Let me break it up:

1) Cosmological/First Cause arguement: Atheists use the following arguement "Science has a limit, so we cannot describe what created the particles that created the big bang. Its not a contradiction, its a limitation." This arguement does not work because atheism does not allow 'christians' to use the same logic. AKA, atheists don't allow Christians to use the arguement "God is outside the laws of nature, so we cannot describe how he did ___". Same logic.

2)Fine Tuning Arguement: Actually, even atheist scientists are unwilling to say that the universe came about my chance (beause it would be too chancey) Athiests use the escape patch called the 'multiple universe theory' which makes chance more believable. However, the multiple universe theory has NO evidence to back it up, and thus atheists can't use it.

3) The holy book: Athiests say it is not reliable. However history shows otherwise. In fact, it is considered, by archeologists, to be one of the most accurate historical documents known to humankind. Historians have trusted many other historical documents with much less evidence to back up its reliability.

I could continue but I am tired....


As an atheist, you should know there will never be any real evidence of god's existence. Which makes this question irrelevant.

EDIT: "And thats fine. However the answer on both our parts is still really 'I don't know.' Maybe the energy was always there? If it couldn't have always been there why could a god?"

Is that an homage to Carl Sagan? I remember watching "Cosmos" and hearing him say something along those lines


Why do we call christianity a faith !!! Tomorrow morning will you wake up dead or alive !!! You excersize faith every night you go to bed but one day you will wake up dead !!! Some people plan for that day and some people don't want to think about it !!!

But you have made to many assumptions and I hope God has mercy on your soul sometime soon to enlighten you dark mind and soul !!!

This universe is not the only dimension in existance !!!

Just one more thought !!! What are the statistics for a perfect male and perfect female to evolve at the same time !!! When you get to the last zero email me !!!


Of coarse there is no proof. It's a theory. One in which I believe. I tend to believe in God because I do not understand how we are just some explosion. It is highly unlikely, even scientist say so, but they use the Big Bang, because they can find no logical reason on how the Earth was created. Also, there is a 1 in a (unbelievably high number, that I don't even know) that the Big Bang would even be possible. So, I believe in God. You don't have to, but I do.

Also, how did the energy get there? Was it just there? I doubt it. The only thing I can think of is that there is a Higher Being.

Also, please respect God by capitalizing His name.

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