how has GOD worked in your life?


thank you all for your wonderful testimonies. to those who claim there is no GOD and choose to mock HIM, well I pray that HE opens your eyes to the truth and pours out HIS love, blessings and salvattion to you all. HE is real and one day those who doubt HIM will see the truth. GOD bless you all!


Favorite Answer

There is no god,,


I walked away from anything that I owned that I couldn't carry last year. I trekked up the California coast so that I could do several things. 1) To trust God with my life. 2) To see if the Creator of Heaven and Earth, together with the promises God made could keep me alive.3) To a place I visited once some summers before, so that I could live in a place I liked better than hot and boring weather southern California, to the northern coasts of Oregon. About 1400 miles. That was last year, and I'm still alive, and God has me living in a church where I can do His work here on the computer, preaching the Gospel, and defending God's word to those who ask.


It would take too long to tell. Forty years ago God caused me to become born again, even though I had never heard of such a thing. I was instantly delivered from depression, and was filled with a love and a peace and a joy like I never knew existed. Somehow I knew my sins were forgiven for Jesus' sake, and that I had peace with God. I stopped my habitual lying and stealing and hating others; and over th course of time God delivered me from many other bad habits - tobacco, alcohol, drugs, including pot, LSD, and speed. He changed me from being greedy to being generous; form being selfish to caring about others.

When it happened, i did not realize, but learned later, that the Bible calls this being born again, or born of the Spirit. I came to realize the Bible is the word of God, and have found many other benefits through the promises of God in Scripture, including freedom from fear and anxiety.

listen to what God did for a couple of others...


My first born child wasn't breathing when it came out of the womb and was announced deceased moments later. At that time I promised this "God" I'd do ANYTHING for him to save my baby. Moments after that prayer my baby started crying. Crying meant it was breathing. I am now a firm believer in God. I attend mass every Saturday night.

Lord Krishna2011-09-26T23:14:02Z

He gave me real understanding of what is the soul, the material world, how to get out of birth and death, how to meet and love Him.
I feel very happy since He introduced Himself trough the books of Srila Prabhupada.

BG 2.20: For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

BG 2.22: As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.

BG 2.23: The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.

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