Should I get an Ipad2 or a good E-reader?

have played with an Ipad2 at the Ipad store and my boss has one as well. I really like the Ipad2 because it has a camera, a big screen and can get on the internet. My neighbor has a E-reader and she can get on the internet. It doesn't have a big of a screen or a camera on it. The E-reader is about $150 and the Ipad2 for 16 GB is $500 and 32GB is $600. Which one should I get? Do you think either of these will go on sale the day after thanksgiving? If so, I can wait that long.


The only thing I am going to use it for is just email and looking at things online like facebook, email, espn......

Google™ me2011-10-06T08:09:12Z

Favorite Answer

If all you really want is to read books, then an eReader is the way to go. Amazon just released a couple of Kindles with some nice prices. Kindle is $79. Kindle Touch is $99. Kindle Fire is $199.

Unfortunately, the iPad 2 will most likely not go on sale and will stay at its current price until the release of the iPad 3 in early 2012.

Rose D2011-10-06T08:44:17Z

It really depends. The iPad has a lot more power and flexibility, but you pay for that. Many e-readers can be used for online browsing, but they have slow processors so the performance is bad. The new Kindle Fire will probably be the best compromise between an e-reader and a full tablet.


Kindle. Dont get a gadget that has too many stuff. Good to hv a specific item, like camera for photos, ipod for music and video, etc. So that if one break down, u still hv others. Gd luck.