Abortion In New Mexico?

I think I might be pregnant. I'm 17 and I live in New Mexico. My parents cant know. Can I get an abortion without their consent or without them knowing? Thanks. And yeah, I know it's killing a baby. I was always pro life. It's different when you're in the situation. So don't be stupid. If you don't have information to help me, keep it to yourself.

Gabriella's Mommy2011-10-07T07:26:49Z

Favorite Answer

I'm pro-life also. Wasn't that different when I got put in that situation. But here is your answer. "Eighteen states in the country do not require any parent or guardian permission in order for a teen termination to be performed. These states include California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Additionally, the District of Columbia requires no permission, as does the states of Alaska and South Carolina as long as the teen is over the age of 17. "


You don't be stupid if you can't take the heat stay out off the kitchen. Keep your legs crossed until your ready