Where's the loading bar?

What happened to the loading bar for the video? I used to just watch the bar, and when it had finished, then I could watch an uninterrupted video. Not having this feature sucks! :(


I meant on YouTube videos. Any of them.


@ALaa, yeah, I tried IE and I usually use Firefox. I deleted cache and cookies and no go. I'm guessing it's one of YouTube's many changes that we're just stuck with! :(
I wish they'd just make stuff optional. If you want it fine, if you don't fine. "()"

Alaa Tarek2011-10-10T13:20:36Z

Favorite Answer

Have your tied playing the same video on another browser e.g:
FireFox/Google Chrome/Internet Explorer??
I think it's a problem with your temp files ^^
do the following ;D
in the browser you can't see the loading bar at ;D
delete the following:
internet temporary files, cookies, etc. 'especially the COOKIES' you must delete it
Close the browser and reopen it
Load the video


first of all you should know that i have a really slow internet connection and therefore i always have to wait a few minutes until the video has loaded far enough in order to watch it properly. but with thenew layout i just cant see how far the video is. this is a really big problem for me since i practically cant watch videos anymore.