does your dog like carrots?

my 1 3/4 year old beagle sure does!


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mine Absolutely does , she munches them raw daily ! She also loves raw broccoli especially the stalks !


Lots of dogs love carrots. Mine do, they get small carrots as treats sometimes. My dogs love string cheese too. I can't take string cheese out of the fridge without my dogs going nuts.


I get baby carrots for my Chi's and give it to them as a treat. All of mine love carrots.


No my dogs aren't too fond of veggies. They like a few fruits though.


Well... For mine I wouldn't say LIKES! One, refuses them entirely and hates them! My other, you can feed him it, and he'll spit it out, them offer it to him again and he'll eat it, but pull a face doing so :L He's such a nutter! :P x

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