all you gamers should know Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is coming out very soon and i want to pre order it from gamestop but i want the game the day it comes out so if i preorder do they ship it to me or can i pick it up at the store? i remember people coming into gamestop for Pokemon black and white and the guy said they r all out of pokemon white unless u have it preorder so im guessing i can but yeah if ur a pro at this please help first time preordering and i dont want to mess it up, thanks :)
Favorite Answer
If you pre-order it at the store you will have to pick it up. Don't worry if you're late, because they reserve a copy for everyone who pre-orders. If you pre-order it online, I think you get an option to pick it up or have it delivered. If you want it on the day it comes out, pick it up because deliveries usually come late.
This is how it works with pre-ordering: Release date = shipping date. Don't ask me why is that, I just know that it has been like that for a long time. Many times, retailers won't have the game on release date because they are waiting for UPS to deliver the goods. For the big titles, that is not always the case. The games will be delivered in advance so they are ready to sell on release date.
If you decide to pre-order it online through gamestop, might as well cancel and go pre-order at your local store because no company delivers the game on a Sunday.
I have stopped buying games from gamestop for two reasons: it took two weeks for my game to arrive at my house (chose the cheapest shipping) and amazon. I get free delivery date shipping, don't have to hassle with gamestop employees and still enjoy the same pre-order bonuses.
No you can pick it up the day it comes out. all you will need is the reciept proving you bought the game. you need to show the cashier the reciept and tell him you preordered the game. PS- if you lost the reciept you might be able to still get the game. go back to the original gamestop you preordered the game from and tell them you lost the reciept and the day you preordered it im sure they can look up in their database for their copy ( yes they have a copy of your reciept) if not then that gamestop is just a facepalm failure) also you can pick up the game at midnight on october 17 IF... and i repeat IF.. they have a midnight release for this game ( they only usually have midnight releases for games that are supposedly good and have a lot of preorders say idk.. this is just an example Black Ops. obviously it came out already but that was just an example) to find out ask your local gamestop all gamestops will have a midnight release IF they are having one. no gamestop would be closed if their is a midnight release. also you must pick up your game within 2 weeks or else they wills ell your copy of the game. also.. if you didnt fully pay for the game this is when you will have to pay for it. idk if youer gamestops do this but mine lets me put down a $5 downpayment to preordered games and they give me the reciept and when i pick it up i pay the rest off. if not they will give you a refund.
Pre-Ordering online- If you preorder online it will ship on the day it comes out so expect it in your mailbox on the day it comes out or the following day. ( if you preorder later then expect it within 7 business days at max ) shipping takes a while it's not like everyone will get their games on the day it comes out if they preordered late since the company has less time to package it and ship it out early to get shiped out again by other companies then shiped again to you by your mailman.
Preordering in store- just go up to the cash register and ask if you can pre order the game. they will say yes if it's not too early/too late and they will say no if too late or too early. if they say yes then just pay and they will give you a reciept. HOLD THIS RECIEPT DO NOT!!! THROW AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. you need this reciept to get the game as proof you paid. on the day it comes out you show them the reciept at the cash register and they will have your copy of the game ( they cannot sell your copy within i think a week or 2 if you dont pick it up they will sell it )
you can try picking it up the day before it comes out say it comes out tommorrow, you can pick it up at 12am tonight which technically is tommorrow already they will only be distributing the game nothing else as they arn't even working anymore. you can also buy the game at this time but chances are it will be sold out.
PS- not all gamestops have midnight releases for every new game ASK your cashier when preordering it if they will have a midnight release for this game ALSO i highly suggest you preorder in store as they might have complications online such as order getting shipped else where and you will have to wait longer.
PPS- if you preorder online it will be shipped to your house/adress. if you preorder in stores you will have to pick it up yourself with the reciept ( your friend cannot pick it up for you. YOU must pick it up " the person who bought the game")
yes if you preorder the game you can pick it up the day it comes out and you are guaranteed a game! This is a great way to ensure you get a copy :) i preorder games often so I know i.e. Call of Duty, Battlefield, and others.