Any one else due for period Oct 15?

Had Hcg trigger shot on the Sept 28, IUI on Oct 30, took test today was negative. Getting my hopes up, Having sore breast nausea backpain. Was wondering what your syptoms are right now..


IUI is arttifical semenation. SO I dont think you know what your talking about, I did have sex after iui on the 30 also though..


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well my period is due october 15th and i was ovulating on sept. 30th and oct. 1st.....i am now going threw what may be implantation bleeding. caused from a baby implanting inside of your uterus. so unless you had sex on the 29th 30th or 1st you are most likely not pregnant. if you did then you should be able to take a pee test and get a positive reading in 2 days