What makes laughing at male genital mutilation acceptable? Do feminists deserve blame?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vq6njtmU7g (if you dint want to watch a video..I'll sum it up below)
So, basically this guy is planning on divorcing his wife...she is upset about this, and cuts his penis off AND tosses it in a garbage disposal....On the talk show "the Talk", Sharon Osbourne jokes about the incident even when confronted about how no one would laugh about a similar situation involving a female victim. The panel plays along and the arguably mostly female audience gets a good laugh out of it too...Now I wanna stress a few things 1) The attacker NEVER suggested that the man was abusive to her...no one in the media has. And, I know feminists will want to act like this has nothing to do with them..but think about it: You constantly imply that "masculinity" as a whole needs some major tweaking..that most males are someone demented in some way. Men are the oppressors of women in nearly every detail of interaction between the genders..whether its having a preference for women who shave their legs, wanting wives to take their last name, or god forbid holding doors open. You demonize a gender so muchsexualityt just the gendr itself...but the sxuality of that gender....men are thought of as rapists, over oppressive segetting, or oppressive for getting visual stimulation from women found to be attractive So of course when a woman does something disgusting and horrific....the first reaction is "he must have done something to deserve that" or....regardless of the specifics of the situation...women view the mutilation of the male sex organ as something that is righteous and justice. Feminists always want to wash their hands of this..but what do you think happens when you demonize males to such an extent? Whether you want toresponsibler not..you are responsbile for making double standards like this possible. You can make all the excuses you want but feminist ideals are obviously the problem
Olds cool.....so then why is garbage like this acceptable..
Olds Cool..........I didn't make up any statistics...u can disagree with my opinion..but honestly..you think that u can demonize men without any consequences? and don't deny that feminists do...let me ask you is there a problem with masculinity in to days culture? If you admit yes...ur already demon zing men..pure and simple...and i have no doubt you believe that.