Have you ever been the recipient of a Random act of Kindness?

from someone you never met and probably will never meet? Please share your story.

Lady M2011-10-12T17:44:45Z

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Yes, I was on a road trip with my husband and young son. They were both sleeping. I was driving on the highway at night in the middle of New Mexico. It was a divided highway. I was tired, and I was driving too fast. A semi truck driver on the other side of the highway going in the opposite direction started blinking his lights and blowing his air horn. It caused me to slow down just as I came upon a sharp turn in the highway which I would never have traversed in safety had I continued on at my original speed.

That driver saved my life and the lives of my husband and son. I will never meet that driver or be able to say "Thank You". I thank God for having that particular driver there in the middle of the dark New Mexico night just for me.


Unbelievably so. I was travelling back home just before Xmas and had to catch a number of buses to do so and I got lost in a small country town and missed the first bus. There were no others until after Xmas. I was asking in the shop where the bus stopped and had gone without me. I was very upset as you can imagine when a perfect stranger who was ordering a sandwich consoled me and advised me that if I wanted to travel in her car she would catch that bus as cars go faster than buses ! And she did ! How do you stop a bus on an outback highway. I learnt. You beep your horn and wave your arms behind it. The bus driver wasn't even cross and only charged me half price for the rest of the journey. She was from Sydney and just travelling home for Xmas. I was exceedingly grateful but will not meet this person again as I live on the other side of the .continent.


Sure, from lots of kind strangers with jumper cables, exact change and good directions and who have inspired me to pay it forward when I can.

Four years ago a local candidate whom I've never met and probably never will meet handed me some campaign literature with a family group photo. I had a tiny epiphany, a moment where I woke up -- or took my head out of the sand -- and really suddenly saw that I wanted & needed to accomplish more in my life. I don't know why it happened at that moment. It was like breathing different air. It sounds weird, but that was a gift. BTW, this fellow wasn't re-elected that day & was later vilified for a dumb political tactic.

RT 662011-10-13T05:26:14Z

I have too many stories to tell. My entire life, whenever I've found myself in a bind, someone has always been there to help me out. Because people have always been like that with me, whenever I see someone in need and I can help immediately, I make sure I do whatever is possible. I've never again met any of the kind strangers that helped my family and me, and I think the reason is because there really are angels walking among us.


Many times. Most recently I came from the pet store with 2, 50lb dog food bags and a case of canned food, I couldn't get the damn cart off the curb. A very kind man came out of no where and asked if I needed help, he loaded everything in my car, and was gone before i could thank him. I've also found teenagers to be exceptionally helpful when I find my self in a parking lot with things to heavy for me to remove. It can be a very wonderful world

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