Do You Know A Family Like This?

They were an accidental family
together by accidental circumstance
playing house with live babies
pretending to be mom and dad
if only I'd listened to ma, she'd think
and had some self control
I should have done as Dad said
and kept it in my pants
now no prom dress for mommy
no hanging with the guys for him
just an accidental family that
started on an accidental whim


Edit: I think most of the world was an "accident". This small town I live in has dozens of young, teen families in it and they are all struggling. There are no jobs, no opportunities, and no help. I often wonder if they are happy or living in regret.


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IRRESPONSIBLE accidents that everybody else has to pitch in and help raise, the parents, the community in taxes that pays for the WIC programs, food stamps, housing and medicals.

Yesu Ben2011-10-16T11:13:14Z

but the accidental family can still accidentally fall in love with each other...there is no such thing as accidental in this world. There is a reason for everything.


All new babies can be happy if the older cousins, aunts and uncles, grand parents, and parents welome and Love the child. And the young parents can be happy if they choose to be. Money doesn't buy Love. All parents find a way to make a life easier by sharing it together.


Very strong and real. But the whole world started to resemble that little town of yours. It is inevitable, and I believe the main reason is the uncontrolled immigration from the 3rd world countries to the more "advanced". Sudden overpopulation and robotizing of industries, plus the transfer of industries to countries where the workers work for a few bucks a day, descended as a new disease upon organized areas, that had learned to survive in a certain manner. Now they can not. It is the antagonism among industries, and the increased needs. Industries, in order to "survive", they need to sell. They invent nice "goodies" toys for grown-ups every day. People are supposed to buy the products. They spent all of their money. they need more money. Nobody pays them for that. Nobody HAS to pay them. A star that over-shines, finally collapses. This is the world around us now. An over-shining star, that cannot support it-self. And the people suffer..

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2011-10-15T15:02:13Z

Hi Shirley, I'm so glad HH offered a positive, and I knoe he always has it in him.

It has been a sad turn in my lifetime, that "babies" are havin babies, and I'm not even talkin about it as any sin, but many of the situations don't turn out as well, or not as smoothly perhaps as the exaample HH gave, but it's up to society to not ignore, but help, mentor, educate, advise, if for no other reason than the children

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