What is the one thing that the world needs right now?

Among all the bad things that are happening in this world, what is the one thing needed in this world to make it a better place? There are such things as poverty, racism, political issues, economic instability, religious intolerance....etc. What do you think is needed in this world?


Please feel free to substantiate your answer. Provide as much information as possible.


Favorite Answer

Love. This includes love for others AND love for oneself.


I go with the first answer but would add understanding.

What it does not need is vested interest, and the rich and powerful simply looking after themselves, it does not need corrupt politicians or a corrupt political system, nor does it need over greedy corporations.

Peace and understanding would be great.


If the population would go down a bit, it would certainly help. Global warming wouldn't be such an issue then.




Free Beer, but only for Americans because we are superior to other countries.

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