Do atheists know that there is a spirit world, which is more real than this physical world?

I get the feeling that atheists don't believe in anything spiritual. If that is the case, then we can sympathize with their ignorance. That would spare us the trouble of trying to reason with them. Their spiritual blindness is their defense to the ignorance they confess about the existence of GOD. Everyone who dismisses the existence of spirits, angels, demons, Satan, hell and Heaven; that individual is certain to deny the existence of GOD.


@Dilligaf: Check yo statistics. Most people in this world believe GOD exists. Less than one percent say there is no God.......

Atheists form LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of the world's population......


Favorite Answer

Sorry, being an atheist does not mean disbelief in all things spiritual. Just gods.


That's according to your religion. You don't have the right to tell us that your right and were wrong when less than a quarter of the population fallows what you've been told to believe.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.


Oh well. Cash is the only thing in this world that matters realisticly.


Your extremely wrong, Jews don't believe in hell or satan.


how would you know if there was a spiritual world or not any more than any one else?