Big Trade for the Canucks, what do you think?

Mikael Samuelsson and Marco Sturm for David Booth, Steve Reinprecht, and a 3rd round pick from the Florida Panthers.

K Fleur2011-10-22T18:30:07Z

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Why would anyone want Marco Sturm? I had him in fantasy, and he has been horrendously bad. Dumb trade for Florida, brilliant job by Vancouver basically stealing David Booth


IF....and that is a huge IF Booth can fulfill his potential THEN Vancouver wins this trade. The obvious factor here was the salary dump for Florida...they are bleeding cash and have sought help from the NHL to meet payroll so getting to the cap floor was always a real possibility. Plus it should be obvious to everyone that the Panthers are for sale (i.e., buy and relocate) and nothing improves the odds of a sale than dumping long term is done all the time in front of sales of franchises. Now Vancouver might win this trade on the ice but maybe not. Booth has a history of injury (concussion....not good) and in his healthy year last year where he became reluctant to hit and be hit (read...-31) and they are touting him as a power forward, the kind Vancouver needs? They need a power forward reluctant to hit or go into the dangerous areas of the ice? And all that potential resulted in 40 points.....he better produce at a much better clip than that if he is a true top 6 type forward that the Canucks need so bad. Especially with that long and fairly pricey contract. I understand why the Canucks make the deal and agree that Booth has excellent potential but it can get real uncomfortable in a hurry if he doesnt produce right away. I hope for his sake he can find his power game because I like the kid but a lot has to go right or this is an expensive trade for Vancouver in the dollar sense vs. return on that dollar. Florida had nothing to lose...Booth wasnt going to get them in the playoffs and they just made the team a little easier to sell.


Booth and a third rounder for Samuelson and Sturm. Forget Reinprecht he's a throw away. What actually happened. Florida traded $6MM in cap hit and a player with four years on his contract for a $5MM cap hit and two players that come off the payroll next year. Also Sturm and Samuelsson will be traded for picks and prospects at the trade deadline.
Florida is going no where in a hurry and this deal will be looked at in retrospect as a double win.

Booth will play with Kessler on the second line allowing Hodgson to move to right wing on that line. Great move for Vancouver. Better move for Florida.


canucks won this trade. Booth has great ptential. Reinprecht is a good veteran.
Samuelsson and Sturm are on the "downhill" of their careers.
Good trade for Vancouver.
Terrible trade for Florida.


I don't like the trade but I love how everyone and their mother are certified GM's. No one knows whats happening next and no one knows that Booth will do anything for Vancouver..nevermind his cap hit for the next 4 years..Both Samuelsson and Sturm come off the books next year and leave us some more cap space..Now please, Vancouver..hand over Luongo.

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