So what do you think this could mean? Bright red spotting when period is due?! :/ Serious answers only please!?
Ok so my last cycle came a day early on September 21st. Before that it had been 29 days so August 24th, July 26th, June 27th etc but then on October 5th I had some very light brown spotting which is strange for me it's never happened before. Cramping in my uterus on the 11th & the 17th including some right sided cramping near my ovary... Now I've had spotting that was bright red & watery & light flow at best (no clotting & so sorry for tmi) instead of a normal period. Do not get me wrong it was on time albeit late in the day on the 19th that it started with spotting, & not til late afternoon did I need more than toilet paper. But that was gone again on the 22nd & now back to just spotting these last two days?! What's up wit dat? Should I be concerned that my cycle ran out or seemed light this month? Besides the cramping I've noticed some other things that were questionable with the spotting... But four negative pregnancy tests! Did I try testing too soon?! Sorry so long! I'm stumped! Anyone else ever experienced anything like this before?! 10 points 4 best answer!