I need really ridiculous questions!?
Gimme all the most stupid and ridiculous questions you can think of!
Example: If you rode a canoe uphill and the wheels broke off, how many pancakes would it take to build a doghouse?
Gimme all the most stupid and ridiculous questions you can think of!
Example: If you rode a canoe uphill and the wheels broke off, how many pancakes would it take to build a doghouse?
Favorite Answer
whats a pancake doing on your face?
if a bird poops on you, does it mean Pluto will become a planet again?
isn't that the fluffiest lady you have ever seen?
if a chicken crosses a road, don't the geese come and start getting run over?
i like your pants, do you fart regularly in there?
is Macy's a girl?
if you drove your car into the lake, would i be able to fly?
Define the word Pain.
Answer : Rolling down a razorblade on yr balls.
Define the word Fogasisis.
Answer : You have **** in yr brains which only medical students like me will know!
How many marines you need to turn a lightbulb.
Answer : 6. 1 to hold the lightbulb and 5 to turn him around.
Not rediculous enough??
If ten girls and seven boys meet at an underground chipmunk society meeting, what time is it on the planet Mars?
steve h
Q whats the difference between a duck
A one of its legs are both the same
( if they ask between a duck and what else tell them just a duck )
whats brown and sounds like a bell
DUNG! ( say it like a loud ringing bell sound )
what colour of your pants?
he slip on a banana pill but he fell up on the sky.
gee have you look at your toes