Which Major has more of an upside?

Im currently a psychology major so I know all about the requirements, and opportunities for the most part. Any hands on experience will be appreciated.

I am considering changing my major to English as my writing skills far surpass most (not trying to be a dick)

Please for anyone with more experience and knowledge in either field:
1. Explain the pros and cons of both
2. Which has better job market
3. Which will actually offer me a job involving the degree right out of school, or at least which one has a greater chance of being effective.
4. Any other information.


Favorite Answer

I think you'd be a natural for stand up comedy.

Get a subscription to Writer's Digest magazine to get the latest info on career opportunities in writing. Most psychology jobs will be connected with the government (because they're all nuts).

Hope this helps,


please do a good background check before switching to English. From my personal experience I advice that you stick to psychology. You can consider English while pursuing a masters. that way, you stand a good chance of getting employed in various positions.