Why do women typically make men initiate everything except divorces & break-ups?

Upon hearing about Kim Kardashian filing for divorce - it got me thinking...

Why is it that women rely on men initiating just about everything, except for break-ups?

Is it a pride thing? Because the woman likes to feel desired & wanted when he asks her out, talks to her, takes her out on a date, proposes to her, etc... But at the same time, she doesn't like to know that he doesn't want her anymore, or that he has lost interest. So, she will make sure she initiates the break-up, not him.

I find it odd that women, even if interested in a man, will play hard-to-get and act uninterested and rely on him to hit on her.

Yet, when it comes to break-ups, women will rush to "beat him to the punch" and get the divorce papers filled out.


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Women talk about wanting equality but they are happy to leave all the rotten stuff to men. Women wont ask or take a man out on a date and pay for his time because they don't want the responsibilities they leave to men. Men don't have to ask women out but if they don't then they are left with loneliness because women wont ever ask them .Women like men to do the crawling and asking and then women often expect men to pay for everything and its exactly the same as prostitution except there is no certainty that the feller will get anywhere for wasting his money on a slut. All women who takes advantage of men are sluts.


"Why do women typically make men initiate everything except divorces & break-ups?"

--It would be interesting if any of you guys that claim this could up with at least one credible and authoritative source. Also, I wasn't aware that Kim Kardashian was a *typical* woman.


Because earthling men are puny little excuses for men. They are weak and wimpy and don't know how to put women back where they belong.

Take my Brother for example, his wife is allowed to do whatever she wants, see for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tbxTpWrldc

Now what kind of puny Husband allows his woman to behave like this?

Women should be seen and not be heard. When I surprise Old's Cool on Christmas Eve she will become a real woman. I have rightfully claimed her as my property now and I am bigger and stronger than that wimp she lives with now.


I was raised like that. It's not Lady like or proper for a woman to chase after a man or to be too quick to say yes.


ok kim makes money off of keeping her life interesting. she never took him seriously in the 1st place and he may have knew it was a game too.

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