How should i punish the 2yr old ?

For slapping 9mo on face and then he lied about it

Ivy has Twin Boys!2011-11-07T20:10:49Z

Favorite Answer


There are many ways to punish for that. Those who spank would find that spank worthy, those who do time-outs would find it time-out worthy. Do your max punishment. But it does have to be immediate.


I hate when people always say kids don't understand things at that age yet. There was just a report and study done that proves that kids as young as 3 months old know what they are doing and also know the difference between right and wrong. Having said that, I agree with those who said the punishment should be immediate for something like that. It is best to get them out of this habit before they start school, as the last thing anyone wants is to get phone calls from a teacher saying that your kid is a bully. I have the same problem with my daughter. She went through a little hitting stage, and now has moved on to pinching. I know for a fact she did not learn this behavior from me or her father, but she continues to do it nonetheless. I have a few other kids that I babysit during the day who are also guilty of this behavior, and I'm more than positive that their parents didn't teach them this either. I think it's something all kids go through. A brief stage before hopefully moving on to being able to play nice. We can all hope! lol


By explaining that it isn't nice to hit and to show him how to give "nice touches". 2year olds don't understand lying, he was probably just scared or confused when confronted.

Unless you punish right in the moment, there really is no point in doing it at all. He won't benefit from a delayed punishment. Kids that age can't relate an action with a consequence unless they happen immediately.


A time-out


A time-out in the corner somewhere to think about what they did. Must remember they are only 2 themselves; any punishment of a harsher nature they will not understand why.

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