Is Herman Cain another flip flopping panderer?

Cain has come out and said on more than one occasion, no need to audit the Fed. Thats not what he is saying now. He isnt the only one taking policy from Ron Paul and trying to make it their own but this one is so freakin blatant.

This guy is no better than what is there or trying to get into the white house.


@ Joy, You just described Ron Paul. Paul IS the most consistent of ANYONE running or currently in office. I actually support him and will vote for him. Cain only changed his tune on the Fed because Paul is getting so much traction from it. They have all been doing it, but Cain is the only one to my knowledge that actually said, We dont need to audit the fed.


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smoodles doodles.....Cain like most of the parties running for the grand seat of President are turning into a 3 ring circus. I am speaking for myself as an american...not low class, not middle class, not high class....just a true blue AMERICAN....I want to see someone who can't be bullied, can't be sold out, and has the best interest of this great country and its people. Our beliefs were founded on our struggle to freedom. with God in the heart of everything we did as a country. Now everything is done for gain and power. Greed and the demoralizing of this society needs to end...People of the USA need to have our pride and dignity restored. We need a leader that can get things back on track. Someone who want take from the poor and needy, who will give to our youths hope and promise, someone who will ensure our debits are cleaned up, stop wasting our payers, stop giving politicians the run of leisure. No more free ride for the politicians, they become self serving. which means we are serving their needs. the list could go on for days. Cain no he a good deal


Cain is about the least flip-flopper running for the office of president. In any case a flip flopper is better than a lying illegal. Cain used to work on the board for a branch of the FED, he probably initially didn't think there was anything wrong with them. sometimes you have to step back to see the whole picture.
Still, I would rather cain than the illegal we got now. I would rather Stalin than the liar we have now, at least with Stalin you knew where he stood.


Cain is a good comedian and has a lot of cute one liners that make people laugh and he uses them to avoid the issues.

Angie Kelso2011-11-10T20:45:07Z

Ron Paul is the real deal. He has been consistant on how he stands for over 30 years. Name one politician that can match his record.


Herman Cain is a joke. I'm more republican than democrat and id rather have obama any day.

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