Im going to a psychic reading what to expect?

This sunday my friend is having a psychic come to her house and people can join, wandering what i should expect i dont want to know anything bad such as deaths and so on, anyone been to something like this


Somebody read my aunts cards once. it said there was gonna be a death. 2 months later her boyfriend got in a car accident. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but messing with that stuff isn't really a good idea....but do what you want. :)


I get free ones all the time and they are accurate for me most of the time. You can ask them to just tell you good things about your future. If you want to hear the truth though you might not like some of the things they have to say.


You can expect a bunch of lies and vague meanings that apply to everones life. They are still really entertaining to go to, but they are just less accurate than a fortune cookie. have fun going though, don't worry its all fake stuff that just makes life more interesting to look at.