What should I do about this?

I am going to do something that will make me very nervous. Is there any way I can prepare myself for it so that I am not as nervous?


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build your confidence before doing any critical job

Confidence is a set of beliefs you have in yourself, and will determine your success in life.

Many people who have low confidence have had negative things happen to them in their life: You can increase your confidence by using positive affirmations, changing your beliefs, or by reprogramming your conscious and subconscious thoughts.

Using positive affirmations correctly is one of the best methods to increase confidence and self esteem. Repeat affirmations for 7 to 10 minutes at night just before you fall asleep or when you wake up in the morning: It is at these times your subconscious mind is more receptive to receiving them.

As you continue to do this you will notice positive things happening in your life


Smoking cigarettes can help but is bad for your health.
You can also try to relax, breathe deeply, meditate and don't presume what's going to happen.
Dive into it while your mind is relaxed. Think positive outcomes, not negative.
As long as it isn't fatal, there's nothing to worry about.


Deep breaths in thru nose and slowly out mouth


Talk 2 aclose friend about it


ask your self whats the worst thing that can happen, if deaths the worst thing then dont do it, if your going to ask some one out the worst thing is she/he saying no, thats not that bad