Period is 8 days late, 3 negative hpt, whats going on?

My last period was October 7th. I am 8 days late and i have taken 3 hpt and they are all negative. What could be happening? I am sexually active but we use a condom everytime.

I dont want any negative answers.


im not on the pill and no im never late.

Jade A2011-11-14T22:51:21Z

Favorite Answer

Yep!I was dew on the 7th:(And have not started either.And already had 2 neg.Either your condom broke and your pregnant.Or you missed ovulation altogether and skipped your period.Witch ...I have never had this happen to me.I'm going to wait another week to test.If you ovlate late in your cycle,and become pregnant takes longer for a positive.About 2 weeks wait another 4 days or something to test again.But if your super starving and ur bb's hurt and having hot flashes,mood swings and are really sleepy could be pregnant....Good luck:)


Your body may not have enough hgc hormone built up yet wait a few days and test again if its still negative and still no period make an appointment with your doctor to get a blood test
good luck


are you on the pill? are you usually late?