We know polls dont mean anything really, but have you seen this one?

Im liking this one, even if it is just one poll and polls arent the real test, election day is. Paul is coming on strong and Im betting its only gonna get better by January. What say you?



I became a Paul supporter on election night 2008. While i was sitting there watching the moron I voted for lose and happened on the Ron Paul rally that night. I was sold from then on.


JR I refuse to fall in line. I dont buy your Paul hating at all. I havent found one ounce of credible proof to your arguments. I think maybe you and alot of other people need to wake up to the reality that ANYONE else running is gonna destroy this country. The only difference will be the speed in which it happens.

Angie Kelso2011-11-15T06:59:46Z

Favorite Answer

wooooow! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I like where the article states: ''Paul’s support is more solidified than his rivals''

The thing is... once you are a Ron Paul supporter, and you have learned the truth, you just can't and will not , under any circumstances, change your mind. No one can possibly sway you out of your decision. Even if Ron Paul happens to have a bad day and does not do well in a debate. You know his heart. You know what he is made of. This is NOT show business after all.

Thank for sharing the article! You made my day!


I'm thinking Paul is gathering more support than that poll shows, nobody forgot Paul when he ran in 2008 and predicted our current crisis, so the man can no longer be marginalized by any measure, just look at the opponents arguing points on economic policy with Paul, they can't even stand next too him, they have to shift the question to something different every time, I Honestly believe he's the strongest GOP candidate out there who holds the true republican principles of constitutional government, I think if America wants it future back, they owe Ron Paul the nomination.


Most of us have looked at reality. You need to.

I don't have to prove it to you. He and you will be out of our lives soon.'
Know him, have talked to him, he was my representative. He is a liar, a conman, and a whiner who has never accomplished anything in congress. There may be no proof to you , but the congressional record will back me up.
Paul is a joke, get used to it.