Should hate groups be illegal in the United States?

White supremacist groups. Nazi and Neo Nazi groups. The Aryan Brotherhood. The Ku Klux Klan. The Black Panthers. The New Black Panthers. Should hate groups, including those mentioned herein, be made illegal in the United States? It is a crime to claim membership as a Nazi in Germany. Why is such an action allowed in the USA?
This is not about Freedom of Speech. These people are terrorists. They have pledged to assassinate the President.They have been involved in numerous acts of violence and murders. These are not social clubs. These are hate groups.
Should hate groups be illegal in the United States?


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How is the Klan a terrorist group?

Do you know the biggest group of people that kills blacks, is black men.

The Klan hasn't murdered a black in decades.

Black men kill black men every minute of every hour of every day. I hope you're not suggesting that black men are terrorists and should therefore be arrested are you?

A black man is safer attending a klan meeting than he is walking through a black neighborhood.

Marga Himmler Gestapo2011-11-17T19:44:46Z

You would have to prove their hate groups and then prove their terrorist. For example, it would be entirely different of an approach to claim the Black Panthers are a hate group compared to the KKK and Nazi.Second, none of these group claim to be hate groups. The KKK claim they just love their white race and the Black Panthers had been against the police and abuse of black people by the police. In Germany there have been real Nazis. They cannot make laws against Adolf Hitler becoming the Chancellor in the USA because it would be based on fiction and not facts. Laws are based on facts and not on what if Hitler came here or if Himmler is in the USA or if Josef Mengele applied for a license to practice medicine, create laws to deny Josef Mengele a medical license.


I agree with some of your sentiments. The problem is that once yo start listing groups as "hate groups" it never ends. There are people that want to ban Christian Churches and even the Cub Scouts as hate groups. I'd rather have the freedom that allows these other groups, and just monitor them than go down the path of insanity that bans all the others too.
We already sank to low with Patriot Act act and other policies. If we are going to ban Nazis' do we ban Socialists too? The Socialists have killed a lot people; so have both Democrat and Republican administrations. Should we ban them?


Then there goes freedom of Speech. I have no issues with the KKK, Black Panther, La Raza or any other hate group expressing their false views on anything. What has the KKK done in the last 50 years and the Black Panthers are just talk and La Raza is not a factor in anything. No, let them speak on whatever is on their mind.

You're communist thinking should be illegal and banned.


And you don't think the people running the government are a hate group? What about the media that always spreads lies about how Iran is building nuclear weapons that could possibly strike the U.S. or Israel, when in fact, our very own ally Israel is the one manufacturing nuclear weapons that could bring about Armageddon? Those same people that run the media and the government are also the ones who propagate their racial ideas on television and movies. You don't think these corporate elite are hateful? Maybe not, because they've got you so focused on the fear they instill in you about white supremacists and Neo-Nazis and such that you wouldn't even think twice about jumping to conclusions about those racists. Now sure there are people out there who are truly hateful of other races, no doubt about that, but most of them are misunderstood. You must be out of your mind if you think hate groups should be illegal. Sure, why not make bullying illegal or saying curse words illegal, how about that? I don't condone racism, but I also won't tolerate dictatorship-minded people like yourself. Maybe people like you should be made illegal for even thinking of such.

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