POLL: What time do you usually go to bed?
And what time do you get up?
And what time do you get up?
Neko Rini
Favorite Answer
for class i go to bed around 11:30pm- 1am and get up from 8am-10am
on the weekend i go to bed at like 2am-2:30am and get up at 11am-12pm
During the week, I usually go to bed around 9:00p.m. The reason being is because I have to get up every morning at 4:00 a.m. I am a counselor at an elementary school and I have to be at work by 6:30 a.m.
On the weekends, I usually stay up until around 11:00 p.m. or until midnight.
School night- around 11 unless there's a game on, then until it's over. Latest I think was 3. I get up at 7.
Weekend- it's until whenever I'm tired. Usually around 12 or 1. Get up whenever usually like 10.
I'm in college so on school nights I usually try to get to bed by 11-11:30. On weekends I'll stay up later, till 12 or 1 or maybe even 2 a.m.
I go to bed around 1 AM. I get up at about 4:30 AM.